Thursday, July 1, 2010

Endangered Species

In 2007 my parents died ten weeks apart from each other. It has bothered me for years that I became an orphan virtually overnight. As traumatizing as it was, I still had my brother "around" so I had family. Now he has died.

I know people don't always realize what they are saying and the impact that their words may have. At get-togethers prior to the service, at the service and in conversations afterwords I was reminded that I was alone. The last of "my kind". Like I didn't already understand what had happened.

I have my memories. I have MY family. I have my friends. I'll move on. But the words just kept poking at me. In the quiet of the night when my thoughts all run together, all I could think of was Emily Litella. Emily was a character that Gilda Radner portrayed on SNL who sometimes got her words twisted or mis-understood noteworthy topics for theWeekend Update News. With your endulgance, I would like to share with you one of her scenes. It kind of sums it up for me

Jane Curtin: And now, with tonight's commentary, is "Update" correspondent Emily Litella.
Emily Litella: [ peeking into frame before the full pullback ] Why, thank you, Jane!
Jane Curtin: [ sharply ] I can't wait to hear this "gem".
Emily Litella: What's all this FUSS I keep hearing... about endangered feces? Now, that's outrageous!! Why -- why are FECES endangered?! How can you POSSIBLY run out of such a thing?! Why -- why, just look around you, you can see it ALL OVER the place!! Besides, who wants to SAVE THAT, anyway?! My goodness, where would we KEEP it?! It's DANGEROUS, especially in the Summer!! Then -- then, it could REALLY hit the fan!! [ Emily begins to laugh, unable to stop, as Jane gives her a dirty look ]
Jane Curtin: What's so funny?
Emily Litella: Ohhh... oh, my joke! [ she continues to laugh for a moment ] Oh, come on, Miss Curtin, didn't you ever hear that one about "hitting the fan"? [ Jane remains silently annoyed ] Oh, come on, you old shiksa! Where have you been?
Jane Curtin: Species.
Emily Litella: What's that?
Jane Curtin: Species! The list of endangered species! Not feces -- species
Emily Litella: Ohhhh! I-I-I must have gotten carried away. [ turns to the camera and smiles ]
I'm not an endangered species. I am what I have always been. Unique.